40% of your Liferay DXP upgrade is logistics.
Moving to DXP? Let us help to ensure your transition is smooth. Whether implementing DXP from scratch, or as part of a migration from a previous version of Liferay, we'll help you make informed choices and assist with sandboxing, change management, custom plugin porting and other key procedures using proven migration methods that can eliminate up to 40% of your time.
Email portal@omegabit.com or Contact Us to learn how we can help you eliminate this overhead for your Liferay migration.
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Need More Information?
Enjoy a personal consultation with a seasoned Liferay infrastructure Solutions Architect from Omegabit. Get answers to your specific questions about footprint and capacity planning, security (all layers), performance and licensing considerations, custom feature impact assessments and more. We can help provide detailed answers to just about anything relating to planning for your Liferay implementation and the runtime infrastructure. We are expert Liferay operators and eager to help. Get to know us with no obligation and sign up for a consultation today!
Complete this form or email us at portal@omegabit.com and mention Liferay Symposium 2017 in your message. We will schedule a time with you at your convenience.