Frequently Asked Questions

Do you monitor your systems 24hrs/day?
Yes. We monitor our systems and will respond to network, system, or Liferay application failures 24hrs/day. If you apply a change that breaks the configuration of an operating installation, we may recommend undoing or disabling that feature until the problem can be investigated further. Additional support may be required to repair or restore the environment.

Do you perform daily backups? Is the data in my database backed up?
Yes. Backup snapshots of your entire environment are run multiple times per day with continuous offsite archives to a secondary Disaster Recovery (DR) location. Our backups are designed for disaster recovery purposes. Our retention policy is variable and based upon data volume. This means we can typically roll back to the previous day, week, or month, but with sporadic snapshots between periods. We can accommodate custom backup and DR requirements on request.
With the DELTA hosting option, we can provide an export copy of your portal. This is intended for occasional requests (a few times per year to support dev activity). If you need a regular export, or on-demand access, then please consider our EPSILON hosting package, which includes full root access to the server and MySQL so that you can generate your own exports. We can also help automate that process if needed.

What database engine do you use?
MySQL 5.7 comes standard and is preconfigured as part of the installation. With our EPSILON bundle you have complete control of the system and root-level administrative access to the database server and OS.
Other RDBMS solutions are supported; additional licensing and administration fess may apply. Please contact us for more information concerning your specific requirements.

Is the Domain Name Registration
We are not a Certificate Authority (CA), and do not handle domain registration unless you care to register as a sub-domain of We can support names, like "", provided it is not already occupied. Our Professional Services group can help with public DNS registration on request.
We can also accommodate SSL configuration with our EPSILON environments, and assist with the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generation and keystore installation. We recommend that you use the same CA for your DNS registration as for SSL certificates, for security and ease of approval and control. For US registrations, we typically recommend considering either, or Both companies have excellent reputations and easy to use administrative tools to manage your DNS and SSL certificates. We can also accommodate privately signed certificates.

Do you supply a dedicated IP address?
Yes, all environments are assigned a dedicated public IP address. Multiple addresses for multihosting are available on request. EPSILON customers are also provided private VLAN address access to the infrastructure behind the firewall.

What kind of server will I be using? What kind of user privilege do I have? Do I share a server with others?
We own and operate a private cloud infrastructure using the latest HP enterprise servers with 32+ cores and up to 1TB of RAM. Our cloud is VMWare 6 Enterprise Plus based, with Nimble SSD accelerated SAN storage, 10Gbit redundant interconnects (all layers), fully hot-archived offsite DR to an alternate physical location, regular daily backups, Watchguard active intrusion protection firewalls (all redundant and fault-tolerant). Our public network edge peers with providers like Amazon and eBay, and operates from world-class hosting facilities via multiple redundant paths and global exit points.
We serve customers, globally, with exceptional end-point performance. We own and operate all equipment, managed directly by our Liferay Certified administration and engineering teams. Our infrastructure is on-par with best-of-class FT/HA private infrastructures used by finance, government, and healthcare, and organizations for mission-critical operations. Our infrastructure is of a class that is typically too expensive to build or justify for a single portal or in-house hosting. Ours is an entirely separate class of enterprise infrastructure as compared to generic clouds, which run on commodity hardware, are typically over-allocated, and directly exposed to the Internet. In comparison, your environment is provisioned to a private VLAN with all security measures in place by default on best-of-class hardware, operated by Liferay professionals. We do not over allocate any resource; you are guaranteed full reservations with no sharing or noisy neighbors.

What portlets come installed with your portals? Can I deploy my own portlet developed via plugin SDK?
Our installations come standard with all of the portlets included with the current Liferay distribution.
You have administrative control to install your own portlets, including your own custom portlets. Depending upon the nature of your portlet, for example if it requires other backend services, the DELTA bundle may not be sufficient.
The EPSILON (dedicated server) bundles are able to support any sort of push method or automation for deploying plugins, and the entire portal framework, without restriction.

Can I install some portlets from the Liferay Marketplace?
Yes, you can install any Marketplace or custom plugin that you want to your portal. If you are creating custom plugins, we strongly recommend the EPSILON environment so that you can undeploy/flush/restart, etc. If you are planning on doing custom development, start with EPSILON —you will need it.

Will I have access to the configuration files, templates (server.xml, *.vm,, etc), or the filesystem itself?
With our DELTA package we can apply changes to these configuration files for you.
With our EPSILON bundles and dedicated host environments, you have full administrative control of the OS and can apply changes, directly.

Can I restart the Liferay Server?
You can restart all services including the host OS with our EPSILON environment. We prefer to work with you to adjust our monitoring and response policies so that we do not step on your activities in the system. Many of our customers prefer to subscribe to multiple environments to accommodate development and production services with different monitoring policies enforced.
With our DELTA environment, you may request a restart of the portal and request assistance with backend plugin deploys by placing a support request.

I would be using the Liferay community version. In case I need some simple help in coding, for example to build a simple theme, can you recommend a resource?
We have capacity to do small modifications and custom development in-house (our specialties are performance optimization, security, and identity management/SSO integration). We work with a broad network of independent and Liferay Certified developer partners with a full range of front/backend engineering capabilities, Information Architecture, UI design, mobile, etc. So, yes, we can definitely help you to find a resource or provide one directly depending on the scope of work.

If I want to remove the foot note "Powered by Liferay" do I have some options to have it done.
That can be accomplished by using or creating a custom theme. Some theme plugins also support removing or modifying that string from the theme option controls for the theme. We can assist with that for a couple of hours of Professional Services time, or, you can accomplish that on your own using the free SDK and developer tools available from Liferay, or, by adopting a custom theme. In DXP, you may be able to control this from the default theme controls. You can also read/post to the Liferay Developer Community for suggestions. See also:

What is your control panel?
With the DELTA environment, you get full access and control of the portal front-end, which includes the Liferay 7 Portal Control Panel.
With the EPSILON environment, you get full root (ssh/VNC) access to the host(s), located behind a private VLAN. Administration is typically done from the command line, but we do support remote VNC/UI access if preferred. The servers can be configured to meet most any setup requirement and we do have well practiced defaults that we use to keep the environment open and flexible to change.
Docker cluster administration using Kubernetes or similar frameworks is also supported for compatible environments, where desirable.

Can I put my website behind a Content Distribution Network (CDN) like CloudFlare or Akamai?
Yes, you are welcome to place any services hosted by us behind a CDN/edge accelerator. Doing so effectively often requires that you do some basic custom configuration on that service end to be considerate of Liferay dependencies and behaviors (we do not limit or control that). A poorly implemented CDN in front of Liferay can actually hurt performance, instead of helping. We are here to help advise you, based on your specific requirements and use case.

For how long am I committed to using your service once I sign up?
Our terms are month to month. We do offer discounts for longer term commitments. Once the initial term is up, you are billed month-to-month unless you have requested a longer term period. We can accommodate quarterly, semi-annual, annual, and multi-year term billing on request.
For more information or if you have questions, Contact Us.

How much RAM is enough to run Liferay? Is my environment scalable?
We include 4GB of ram with the standard EPSILON environment. That provides about 1GB for the OS, 1GB for MySQL, and 2GB with a 2GB bloat to Liferay. It is usually sufficient for a small environment serving mostly anonymous visitors and a few publishers. For more authenticated concurrent sessions, and depending on the portal content and custom plugins, more processing power and RAM may be needed to provide the best user experience.
When hosting with us, you are more well equipped than with any hosting provider to ensure you get the most out of your infrastructure dollar in terms of performance and scalability. And, we are also your trusted advisor to help you make informed decisions about design and implementation that can impact performance so that you can find the best balance between operating costs, and scale. We typically net out less expensive than generic public clouds because of this ability to optimize and ensure you are not paying for infrastructure that sits idle on the shelf (but is also right-sized for your peak demand).
We can add more memory for $25/GB/mo. CPUs are $75/core/mo. There are no utilization or IOPS restrictions like many generic cloud providers (you do not pay for going over some artificial cap on monthly usage, bandwidth being the exception). Implementations with higher concurrent user demand (authenticated), will often benefit from a multi-host configuration that breaks out MySQL and Apache to another server(s). We can help you make decisions about how and when to scale vertically, horizontally, or both.
Omegabit, LLC
697 Higuera St., Suite A
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
P/F 877-411-2220
© Omegabit LLC, 2023