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Staff Training and documentation on new website


What is your proposal for staff training and documentation



Our team will provide in-person and online training via teleconferencing to the designated personnel on how to manage the new website using the proposed Liferay CMS system.

We will identify times to meet with and coordinate training with your staff. Options may include one-time training, or optionally through a regular/weekly seminar depending on need.

We will provide training and technical support as needed for Web Content Management System users. During an initial rollout we provide high level one on one support and/or on call support to help ensure adoption and success.

After training, we will seek feedback from the Berkeley staff to validate and improve training materials. Based on questions and requested walkthroughs, we will enhance materials to cover common question areas, and further build out areas that may provide limited information.

We will provide training and documentation materials as needed in support of major system changes or upgrades for the site and applications we support for the website.

We will work with you to define and support the creation of additional training material as requested and as time and staffing permit.


Training Methods and Materials

  1. Classes will include complete training documentation in PowerPoint and PDF formats and will be available online.

  2. Online presentations will be recorded.

  3. Training documents will be stored in a common and available location which is accessible to end users, supports versioning and tracking and will be maintained by training and/or help desk staff.

  4. The training will be a hands-on learning environment with training lessons demonstrated followed by the your admin users trying it out on a training website. Video tutorials will also be available to supplement the classroom.

The training will cover the following areas:

Page and Site Structure Management

The CMS system allows site administrators to easily add and manage pages on the website. Create pages using custom site and page templates and layouts developed specifically for your website. Re-ordered pages quickly using a drag-in-drop method.

Content Management

Learn how to add the different content types (news, events, calendars, reports, blogs, profile media slideshows, custom types, etc.) to the website through the CMS system.  

User, Roles and Permissions

The new website will be a permission-based system with users granted certain functions and privileges based on roles. During the training, we will review how to create and manage roles and permissions and discuss other topics such as user groups and workflows.

Media and Documents

Easily manage photos, videos, presentations, documents, and other media types within the Liferay system. The training sessions will include specific steps on how manage these assets including how to link to outside systems such as YouTube and other media sites.

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